So we arrive at the end of this phase of our learning journey. We have faced many challenges, but we have succeeded in compiling a detailed and collaborative plan for the Matzikama Local Municipality, which include a set of area subplans. This plan also includes specific institutional proposals to enable co-ordinated implementation. In addition:
The ball has now been passed
The outputs described above (which will soon be available on the CBPEP website) result from the many hundred hours contributed by scores of different actors who have assisted the Phuhlisani team in many different ways. In particular we to wish to thank:
We have developed practical proposals and strategies to change this, employing a different, consultative, planned way to do land and agrarian reform, seeking joint innovative solutions to problems faced as the planning proceeded, as part of the attempt to find new pathways to make land reform work. The big question is whether the journey we have mapped out will secure the necessary support and resources to enable the implementation of the plan to go forward.
Phuhlisani NPCPlanning Pilot facilitator Archives
June 2022
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